Compiled by Joe Moore,
with assistance from the special collections staff of
Arizona State University, Tempe AZ.
Nov 19
Film Capital Production Notes
AT THE ROACH STUDIOS Harold Lloyd's new comedy, called temporarily "The White Feather," is starting its fourth week. Country scenes are being filmed near Englewood. Harry "Snub" Pollard is making a dog show comedy this week, in which Marie Mosquini and Noah Young support the star. Shots are being taken at Venice. "The Go-Getters," with "Snub" Pollard had its preview this week and has since been shipped to New York. "Paul" Parrott's new comedy which goes under production next week, will be a burlesque on "The Miracle Man," the scenes taking place at the rest cure. "Trolley Troubles is the most recently completed Gaylord Lloyd comedy. H. M. Walker recently finished titling "Loose Change" and "Pay the Cashier," starring "Paul" Parrott, and "Blow "Em Up" with "Snub" Pollard. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.4)
NOVEMBER PATHE RELEASES "Back to the Woods," the latest re-issued one-reel comedy, starring Harold Lloyd. "The Joy-Rider," Hal Roach comedy. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.17)
Where to Find People You Know "Sunshine Sammy" has been cast in the latest "Paul" Parrott comedy, under production at the Hal E. Roach Studios. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.6)
Mollie Thompson is enacting an important role in "The White Feather," starring Harold Lloyd. Charles Stevenson and Wallace Howe are cast in the current Harold Lloyd comedy, the working title of which is "The White Feather." (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.7)
Pickups By the Staff
TO TOUR CONTINENT Jean Havez, scenario writer for Harold Lloyd, will make an European trip on the completion of Lloyd's present comedy, "The White Feather." The tour includes a sojurn in France, Italy and Belgium. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.8)
Ethel Broadhurst, Mark Jones and George Rowe are playing in support of "Paul" Parrott in his forthcoming comedy, a burlesque on "The Miracle Man." (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.18)
Pulse of the Studios
HAL E. ROACH STUDIO, Culver City. Nora Ely, Casting. Warren Doane, Mgr. West 3730 Director: F. Newmeyer Star: Harold Lloyd Cameraman: Walter Lundin Asst Director: R. Golden Scenarist: Taylor & Hanvez Type: 2-Reel Comedy Progress: Under Prod. Director: R. J. Cedar Star: Snub Pollard Cameraman: Robt. Doran Asst Director: Bob Evans Scenarist: Staff Type: Comedies Progress: Schedule Director: Ray Gray Star: "Paul" Parrott Cameraman: Frank Young Asst Director: Clarence Morehouse Scenarist: Staff Type: Comedies Progress: Schedule Director: F. W. Jackman Star: Ruth Roland Cameraman: A. Thompson Asst Director: D. H. Lamar Scenarist: Staff Type: Serial Progress: Under Productn (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.12)
Film Capital Production Notes TURPIN DONS HIS LITTLE BROWN DERBY After sixteen weeks of absence from the Sennett lot, Ben Turpin is back again and ready to begin work on his forthcoming comedy which is scheduled to start soon. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.4, Nov 19, 1921)
COMPLETES CAST F. Richard (Dick) Jones, production manager of the Mack Sennett Comedies, has selected his cast for Mabel Normand's second starring vehicle, to be distributed by the Associated First National Pictures, Inc. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.9, Nov 19, 1921)
Where To Find People You Know CONTINUES WITH SENNETT Bert Glassmier, scenario and title writer, has been re-engaged by Mack Sennett to assist in the Literary Department of his organization. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.6, Nov 19, 1921)
Billy Bevan of Mack Sennett Comedies, appeared a few days ago before Judge Benjamin F. Bledsoe, in the district court of Los Angeles, to receive his final naturalization papers. Mr. Bevan is a product of Australia and came to the States ten years ago. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.15, Nov 19, 1921)
Pickups By The Staff NORMAND BIRTHDAY PARTY Mabel Normand was tendered a surprise birthday party recently by friends including Mack Sennett, William D. Taylor, Mrs. Catherine Sennett, mother of the producer, Fay Borden, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Asher, Dick Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mueller and John Grey. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.8, Nov 19, 1921)
"MOLLY O" AT MISSION SOON "Molly O," starring Mabel Normand, will open at the Mission Theater, directly after "Little Lord Fauntleroy" has completed its run. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.16, Nov 19, 1921)
Nov 19 Film Capital Production Notes EDUCATIONAL RELEASES Julian Ollendorff's next reel of Sketchografs to be released by Educational is called "What's the Limit?" Doreen Turner and Coy Watson, Jr., the youngsters who appeared in the principal parts in "A Nick of Time Hero," the second of the Educational-Campbell Comedies, are featured in "Stolen Glory," the latest of this new series. "Old and New England," is the latest Educational Bruce Scenic. "Torchy Takes a Chance" is the newest Torchy Comedy featuring Johnny Hines scheduled for an early showing. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 pg. 4)
HAMILTON-WHITE A cast is being assembled to support Lloyd Hamilton in the fifth of his series of Mermaid Comedies for Educational. Hugh Fay will direct. Jack White, supervising director, is working in collaboration with Archie Mayo and Lloyd Bacon, the company's scenario writers, on the fourth of his series of two-reel comedies for Educational, which is expected to enter production shortly at the Brunton Studios. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 pg. 9)
Where To Find People You Know
A preview of Lloyd Hamilton's latest two-reeler, "Distress," previously announced under the title, "The Panic's On," was given at the California, Venice, recently. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 pg. 6)
Pickup By the Staff
STORK VISITS BOBBY Bobby Vernon, Christie Comedy star, and Mrs. Vernon are receiving felicitations upon the birth of a daughter.
BETWEEN PICTURES VACATION Lige Conley has gone to the mountains for a short vacation. He will play the featured role in Jack White's next comedy for Educational, as yet untitled. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 pg. 8)
Pulse of the Studios
CAMPBELL COMEDIES. Frank Griffin, Casting Director. Robert Giroux, Gen. Mgr. Fine Arts Studio Director: W. S. Campbell Star: All-Star Cameraman: Du Parr Asst Direcor: Ray Hunt Type: Educational Comedies Progress: Schedule Director: F. C. Griffin Star: All-Star Cameraman: Thos. McNally Asst Director: A. Linkhoff Type: Educational Comedies Progress:Schedule (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 pg. 10)
CHRISTIE COMEDIES. Harry Edwards, Casting. 6101 Sunset. C. H. Christie, Gen. Mgr. Holly 3100 Director: H. Beaudine Star: B. Vernon Cameraman: E. Ullman Asst Director: Hagerman Scenarist: Conklin Type: 2-Reel Comedy Progress: 4th Week Director: Scott Sidney Star: Neal Burns Scenarist: Conklin Type: 2-Reel Comedy Progress: Cutting Director: Al Christie Star: Viola Daniel Cameraman: A. Nagy Asst Director: E. Lavelle Scenarist: Conklin Type: 2-Reel Comedy Progress: 1st Week (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 pg. 10)
HAMILTON-WHITE COMEDIES, Inc. W. W. Rarity, Gen. Mgr. Brunton Studios. Holly 4080 Director: Hugh Fay Star: Lloyd Hamilton Cameraman: Bill McGann Asst Director.: W. Morosco Scenarist: Mayo-Bacon Type: 2-Reel Comedies Progress: Preparing Director:White-Kerr Star: All-Star Cameraman: Park Ries Asst Director: Jack Ohl Scenarist: Fred Windemier Type: 2-Reel Comedies Progress: Preparing (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 pg. 10)
Nov 19 Film Capital Production Notes
EDDIE LYONS FINISHES "JUST A MINUTE" Eddie Lyons, director-comedian, has just completed the final scenes of his latest laugh provoker, "Just a Minute," and production will start shortly on the next of his series of comedies for Arrow entitled "Moving Day."
FIRST NATIONAL NOTES The J. L. Frothingham company has completed the San Francisco sequence of scenes for "The Man Who Smiled" and during the last week has been working on the Gopher Flat section of the Lasky Ranch. Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.4)
AT SAN MATEO Sunset Comedies are finishing number two of a series of fourteen two-reelers starring Hal Stephens supported by Kathleen Emerson being made for the Producers Surety Corporation. Harry Edwards is directing.
ARROW NOTES J. S Josey, special representative of the Arrow Film Corporation, has returned to the New York office after three months on the road in the interests of the company. Mr. Jossey visited the Central and Middle western states.
AT BRUNTON "The Man Who Smiled," J. L. Frothingham's third production for Associated First National, will be completed this week. This picture features an all-star cast, the principal roles being played by Marcia Manon, William V. Mong and Mary Wynn. Little Jackie Coogan is expected to start a new picture presently under the direction of Jerome Storm. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.9)
EARLY DECEMBER RELEASES "Princess Virtue," featuring Marie Prevost. "Heart Breakers," one reel comedy. "Get Rich Quick Peggy," comedy, featuring Baby Peggy. NOVEMBER PATHE RELEASES "The Frogs That Wanted a King," animated cartoon of the series of "Aesop's Fables." (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.17)
Casts of the Week Metro "THE FIVE DOLLAR BABY" Directed by Harry Beaumont Viola Dana, Ralph Lewis, Otto Hoffman, John Harron, Tom McGuire, Arthur Rankin, Marjorie Maurice, Ernest Pasque (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.4)
Where to Find People You Know
Louise Fazenda has been cast in the forthcoming James M. Cruze production for Famous Players-Lasky. Vincent McDermott is assisting James Aubrey in the direction of Aubreys new comedy which is under production at Vitagraph. Upon the completion of her present engagement with the director Paul Powell, Zasu Pitts will enact a role in James Cruzes next Lasky production. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.6)
Jack Cohn, pioneer producer, now making the Hallroom Boys Comedies, featuring Sid Smith, and Screen Snapshots, arrived in California recently to supervise the new series of Hallroom Boys Comedies. "The Matinee Idol," lately completed, has been shipped to the New York offices. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.7)
Pickups By the Staff
"MY BOY" NEW YORK PREMIERE Jackie Coogan's recently completed starring vehicle, "My Boy," will have its first presentation at the Plaza Hotel, New York City. The proceeds are to be given to charity. The picture will be shown on Broadway, New York, immediately after its social debut, national distribution following.
HOLLYWOOD HIGHLY RESPECTED SAYS LESSER Sol Lesser, of the West Coast Theatres, Inc., now in New York City where he is arranging distribution for Jackie Coogan productions, and at the same time attending the executive meetings of Associated First national pictures, Inc., writes: "The general theory that New York regards Hollywood and its cinema industry in a bad light is absolutely untrue. In my two weeks in New York, I have thus far heard nothing but good words about cinema Hollywood. The rumors that New Yorkers were circulating stories that were harmful to the reputation of the West Coast picture colony are also false. Hollywood has always been looked upon with a great deal of respect from the eastern metropolis and that feeling still exists." Charles Chaplin has gone on an outing trip into the California mountains with a party of friends. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.8)
TAKES BRIEF REST Alice Lake has gone to Big Bear Lake for a few days rest after completing work in "Kisses," her newest Metro starring picture. Edward Jobson, recently with with Alice Lake in "The Kiss," is now playing a part in Herbert Rawlinson's current production for Universal. (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.18)
Pulse of the Studios
BELASCO STUDIOS. K. E. MacQuarrie, Casting 833 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Douglas 6588 Director: F. MacQuarrie Star: All-Star Cameraman: Bill Series Asst Direct.: K. E. MacQuarrie Scenarist: Walter Rivers Type: Novelty Comedy Progress: Schedule
BRUCE CARTER PROD'NS. Montague Studios. Arnold Aldrich, Casting. San Francisco. Director: Bruce Carter Star: All Star Cameraman: Harry Rathburn Asst Direct.: Arnold Aldrich Scenarist: Staff Type: Comedy Newsettes Progress: Schedule
CENTURY FILM CORP. 6100 Sunset Blvd. Bert Sternbeck, Casting Julius Stern Gen. Mgr. Holly 96 Director: Alf Goulding Star: Lee Moran Cameraman: Jerry Ash Asst Director: D. Smith Scenarist: Goulding Type: Farce Comedy Progress: Schedule Director: Fred Fishback Star: Brownie-Beby Pegg Cameraman: Zalibra Asst Director: Zimmerman Scenarist: Fishback Type: Animal Comedy Progress: In Process
C. L. CHESTER PROD'NS. R. Bandini, Gen. Mgr. 1438 Gower St. Holly 7140 Director: Vin Moore Star: All-Star Cameraman: K. G. MacLean Asst Director: Waltmeyer Scenarist: Farley Lambert Type: 2-Reel Comedy Progress: Schedule Director: Williams-Peebles Star: Snooky Cameraman: Buddy Wales Asst Direcor: Forrester Type: 2-Reel Comedy Progress: Schedule
CLEMENTS RICH PROD. Fine Arts Studios Holly 2805 Director: Clements Star: All-Star Cameraman: Jack Doyle Asst Direcor: Rich Type: Special Comedy Progress: Schedule
THE CRUELLY WED COMEDIES. Universal Studios. Holly 2500 Director: Herzig Star: Paul Weigel & Lila Leslie Asst Direct.: Billy Joy Scenarist: Herzig Type:2-Reel Comedies Progress: Preparing
FOX STUDIO. C. A. Bird, Casting. N. Western Ave. Holly 3000 Director: Sedgewick Star: Tom Mix Cameraman: Bernie KLlein Asst Direct.: Geo. Webster Scenarist: Tom Mix Type: Comedy-Drama Progress: 2d Week
FROTHINGHAM, J. L., PROD. Brunton Studio. C. B. Collins, Casting. Holly 4080 Director: Edw. Sloman Star: All-Star Cameraman: Tony Gaudio Asst Direct.: Howard Scenarist: Sloman-Mong Type: "The Man Who Smiled" Progress: 5th Week
GOSNEL GILKERSON PROD. L. J. Gilkerson, Casting. 1120 Soto St. Boyle 600 Director: G. P. Gilkerson Star: All-Star Cameraman: Gordon McLean Scenarist: Zelma Jameson Type: Comedy-Drama Progress: Cutting (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 pg. 10)
HARTER-WALL PROD. Edward Le Veque, Casting Director. Bakersfield, Box 482 Director: L. E. Wall Star: Vera Glynn Cameraman: "Red" Marshall Asst Direct.: Ed LeVeque Scenarist: Staff Type: 2-Reel Comedies Progress: Schedule Director: L. H. Davies Star: Vera Glynn Cameraman: W. B. Ruby Asst Direct.: Ed LeVeque Scenarist: Jean Crook Type: Cartoon Comedies Progress: Schedule
INCE, THOS. H. Horace Williams, Casting. Clark W. Thomas, Gen. Mgr. Culver City. West 62 Director: Del Andrews Star: McLean Cameraman: Harry Keepers Asst Direct.: Ross Lederman Scenarist: Del Andrews Type: Comedy-"The Hottentot" Progress: 3rd Week
LASKY STUDIOS. L. M. Goodstadt, Casting 1520 Vine St. Fred Klay, Studio Mgr. Holly 2400 Director: James Cruze Cameraman: Karl Brown Asst Direct.: V. Keays Scenarist: Walter Woods Type: "EK" Progress: Cutting
LYONS, EDDIE, PROD. Berwilla Studios. Holly 157 Director: Eddie Lyons Star: Eddie Lyons Cameraman: Gosden Asst Director: De Rue Scenarist: Eddie Lyons Type: Comedies Progress: Schedule
METRO STUDIO. Romaine & Cahuenga Ave. William Caruthers, Casting. Jos Engel, Gen Mgr. Holly 4485 Director: Maxwell Karger Star: Alice Lake Cameraman: Seigler Asst Director: Cliff Butler Scenarist: June Mathis Type: "Kisses" Progress: Cutting
MORRIS, REGGIE, PROD. Jesse D. Hampton Studio. Frank Marshall, Gen. Mgr. 579902 Director: Reggie Morris Star: All-Star Cameraman: Chick McGill Asst Director: H. Tenbrook Scenarist: K. Thompson Type:2-Reel Comedy Progress: Schedule
OCONOR PRODUCTIONS. Brentwood Studios. Gus Schumacher, Manager. 4811 Fountain. Holly 3266 Director: Thos. LaRose Star: O'Conor Franey Cameraman: Geo. Richter Asst Direcor.: John Warnack Scenarist: Staff Type:2-Reel Comedies Progress: Schedule
PACIFIC FILM COMPANY. A. Guy Frum, Casting. Culver City. Director: Fahrney Star: Geo. Ovey Cameraman: Powers Asst Direcor.: Frum Scenarist: Fahrney Type:1-Reel Comedy Progress: Schedule Director: Fahrney Star: Vernon Dent Cameraman: Gamble Asst Direcor.: Frum Scenarist: Fahrney Type:1-Reel Comedy Progress: Schedule Director: Wharton James Star: Frankee Lee Cameraman: Jones Asst Direcor.: H. James Scenarist: James Type:1-Reel Comedy Progress: Schedule
UNIVERSAL STUDIO. Fred Datig, Casting. Universal City Holly 2500 Director: Robert Hill Star: Laura LaPlant Cameraman: Corby Asst Direcor: Smith Scenarist: Scott Darling Type: 1-Reel Comedies Progress: Schedule Director: Badger Star: Prevost Asst Direcor: Barry Type: "Cupid Incog" Progress: Cutting (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 pg. 11)
ROBBINS, JESS, PROD'NS. Fine Arts Studios Holly 2805 Director: Jess Robbins Star: All-Star Cameraman: I. Reis Asst Direct.: G. Cleethorpe Scenarist: Ford Beebee Type: Comedy-Drama Progress: 4th Week
LEVY, HARRY, PROD'S Jeff Brophy, Casting. 230 W. 38th St., N. Y. Director: Ben Blake Star: Ida Allen Cameraman: Van Devere Asst Director: G. Utell Scenarist: Ben Blake Type: Comedy Progress: Schedule
REELCRAFT PICTURES CORP. Mittenthal Studio Yonkers, N. Y. Yonkers 6459 Director: Hamilton-Smith Star: Bud Duncan Cameraman: Griffith Asst Direct.: Tuey Scenarist: Smith Type: Comedy Progress: Schedule Director: Marcel Perez Star:Tweedy Camerman: A. Obrock Ass't Direct.: Moran Scenarist: Tweedy Type: Comedy Progress: Schedule Director: Frank Mattison Star: All-Star Cameraman: Len Smith Scenarist: Mattison Type: Comedy Progress: Schedule
SCHLANK, CHAS. R. PROD. 6050 Sunset. Frank Cavender, Casting. Holly 975 Director: Al Santell Star: Eddie Barry Cameraman: Vernon Walker Asst Direct.: B. W. Burton Scenarist: Staff Type: Comedy Progress: Cutting
SUNSHINE COMEDIES. Low Seiler, Supervising Director. Fox Studios. Holly 3000 Director: Gil Pratt Star: Al St. John Cameraman: Depew Asst Direct.: Busch Scenarist: Copeland Type: Comedies Progress: Finishing Director: Blystone Star: Clyde Cook Cameraman: Turner Asst Direct.: Jack Blystone Scenarist: Jevne Type: Comedy Progress: Finishing Director: Summerville Star: D. J. Savvo Cameraman: Darling Asst Direct.: A. Cohen Scenarist: Geo. Gray Type: "Pardon Me" Progress: Finishing Director: Al Herman Star: Harry Depp Cameraman: S. Wagner Asst Direct.: J. Bordeux Scenarist: Totheroh Type: "Call and Get It" Progress: Finishing Director: E. Kenton Star: Chester Conklin Cameraman: Schenrich Asst Direct.: Arland Scenarist: M. Brice Type: Comedy Progress: Finishing Director: Del Lord Star: "Wardrobe" Cameraman: Anderson Type: "Clothes" Progress: Finishing Director: Buckingham Star: Stock Cameraman: B. Wagner Type: Comedies Progress: Finishing (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 pg. 12)
VITAGRAPH STUDIO. 1708 Talmadge. W. S. Smith, Gen. Mgr. Holly 2131 Director: Semon-Taurog Star: Larry Semon Cameraman: Koenenkamp Asst Director: Roland Asher Scenarist: Staff Type: "Props" Progress: Schedule Director: Jimmy Aubrey Star: Jimmy Aubrey Cameraman: Ernest Smith Asst Director: McDermott Scenarist: Staff Type: Special Comedy Progress: Schedule
WILNAT FILMS, INC. 1329 Gordon St. Bob Reed, Bus Mgr. Holly 1918 Director: Raymaker-Smith Star: Smith Adams Cameraman: Geo. Meehan Asst Direct.: Mintz-Smith Scenarist: Lex Neal Type: "Hallroom Boys" Comedies Progress: Bi-Monthly Pulse of the Studios-Eastern Studios
BLACKTON STUDIOS. Brooklyn, N. Y. Director: Fisher-Fox Star: All-Star Camerman: Frank Periguni Scenarist: Fisher Type: Comedy Progress: Schedule
ESTEE STUDIOS. 124 W. 125th St., New York. Director: Donavan Star: All-Star Cameraman: Paul Allen Type: Comedy Progress: Schedule Director: Abramson Star: Montague Love Scenarist: Abramson Type: Comedy Progress: Schedule Director: Frazer Star: Pearl Shepard Scenarist: Frazer Type: 2-Reel Comedy Progress: Schedule
MIRROR STUDIOS. Glendale, Long Island, New York Director: Walsh Star: Edwards Cameraman: Davis Scenarist: Staff Type: Comedy Progress: Schedule
REALART STUDIO. Miss Hallett, Casting. 201 N. Occidental. Frank E. Garbutt, Mgr. Wilshire 6622 Director: Thos. Heffron Star: Wanda Hawley Cameraman: Wm. Collins Asst Direct.: M. Laswell Scenarist: Harvey Thew Type: Comedy-Drama Progress: Finished Director: Frank Urson Star: M. M. Minter Cameraman: A. Davey Asst Direct.: M. Graham Scenarist: Alice Eyton Type: Comedy-Drama Progress: Finishing (Camera Vol. 4 No. 32 p.13)